AWS Summit London 2014 | Partners & Solutions Track | Best Practices for Part...Amazon Web Services
In this session, we will cover how ISV and SI partners have successfully integrated their products with AWS and developed their sales and marketing strategy to transform their businesses. Learn best practices on how ISVs such as Infor have leveraged the global AWS platform and how to build a consulting practice around cloud enablement, the skills that are required, as well as examples of successful programs that have been delivered by AWS partners at F2000 clients and Public Sector accounts.
The document introduces Alchemy Software Development and their Visual Localization Technology. It discusses their Object Oriented Translation Memory technology and how it can be used to translate web content, software applications, and online help/documentation. It then provides details on their flagship product - Alchemy CATALYST 8.0 Visual TM Solution, and how it streamlines the localization process for software, online help, and websites.
This document summarizes Sirma Solutions' cloud portfolio and expertise. It offers cloud business applications and services combined with tailored solutions, leveraging partnerships and over 10 years of experience developing complex solutions on Azure, Amazon, and private/public clouds. Sirma's cloud development department consists of certified Azure and Amazon developers who have delivered large-scale projects for US clients, mastering architectures using various Azure and Amazon services. Sirma can assist partners with cloud migrations, custom solution development, and mobile push services.
In this session, we provide an overview of the Amazon Partner Network (APN) and programs available to partners who want to accelerate their business with government, education, and nonprofit customers. This overview includes an outline of our reseller program and the new opportunities for partners to differentiate themselves by using APN competencies, and also resources available to help partners drive and deliver more business.
CRM Saturday Madrid 2017 - Azure como integrador de procesos de CRMAlberto Diaz Martin
Procesos de integraci¨®n de CRM con la ayuda de servicios PaaS de Azure. Logic Apps y Azure Functions nos permiten integrar tus datos de CRM con otros or¨ªgenes como SQL o SharePoint Online.
The document provides an overview of an AWS training program. It aims to give attendees a top-to-bottom understanding of AWS services through industry specialists. The training objectives are to understand AWS storage, security, databases, compute and networking options. It is designed for those seeking hands-on experience to help with the AWS Solutions Architect exam. There are no prerequisites, and the target audience includes architects, programmers, administrators and professionals looking to upgrade cloud skills.
This document discusses DevOps practices on AWS. It defines DevOps as a culture or practice to promote collaboration between development and operations teams. It then discusses why DevOps is needed to enable faster and more reliable software releases. It outlines various AWS services that can be used as part of a DevOps implementation, including CloudFormation, CodeDeploy, CloudWatch, Elastic Beanstalk, and OpsWorks. It provides examples of how these services can be used to provision infrastructure, deploy applications, and monitor systems as part of a DevOps workflow on AWS.
Learn about AWS Managed Services and SaaS Partner Programs that provide partners with business and technical enablement on AWS. As more customers move mission-critical workloads to the cloud, there is increasing demand for Managed Service Providers to help customers migrate and operate those customer environments on an ongoing basis. Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) is quickly becoming the prevalent model for deploying software to business customers. The AWS SaaS Partner Program provides APN Partners with support as they build, launch, and grow SaaS solutions on AWS. This session will provide you all the information you need to know to get started in the MSP and SaaS Partner Programs.
Cachorros mordem pessoas por diversos motivos como medo, estresse, agressividade ou para proteger seu territ¨®rio. ? importante entender os sinais de alerta do animal para evitar mordidas.
El documento discute los retos que enfrentan los dise?adores gr¨¢ficos mexicanos en la era de la globalizaci¨®n. Debido a la influencia estadounidense, muchos dise?adores tienden a imitar estilos extranjeros en lugar de preservar la identidad mexicana. Sin embargo, para competir a nivel global, los dise?adores tambi¨¦n deben adaptarse a tendencias internacionales. El autor concluye que los dise?adores deben encontrar un equilibrio, tomando lo mejor de ambos mundos pero conservando elementos distintivos de M¨¦xico.
Web 2.0 allows users to move from passive consumption of media to active participation through social media platforms that connect people and facilitate the sharing of information. It provides tools for research like wikis that allow collaborative knowledge development. Web 2.0 gives rise to new forms of collective and connective intelligence as individuals create and share information that is then combined and extended by others in the network.
La crisis econ¨®mica en Espa?a se origin¨® por la crisis financiera internacional y la burbuja inmobiliaria nacional. Sus consecuencias incluyen el hundimiento del consumo, la p¨¦rdida de empresas y empleos, y la dificultad de acceso al cr¨¦dito. A diferencia de crisis anteriores, Espa?a no puede devaluar su moneda ni estimular la econom¨ªa a trav¨¦s de pol¨ªticas monetarias debido al euro. Los expertos recomiendan medidas de gasto p¨²blico e infraestructura para estimular la econom¨ªa en lugar de pol¨ªticas monetarias
A mobile, sectional containment system providing 100% material recovery with no clean-up. Protects materials, property, and stormwater systems from damage and sedimentation.
El documento describe un modelo de escuela inclusiva que apoya la diversidad en las aulas ordinarias. Todos los estudiantes reciben apoyo de acuerdo a sus necesidades individuales a trav¨¦s de estrategias de colaboraci¨®n entre profesores. El apoyo se enfoca en facilitar el acceso a los objetivos para todos mediante la adaptaci¨®n de la metodolog¨ªa y los materiales a cada estudiante. El trabajo en equipo entre profesores de apoyo y de aula es fundamental para atender a la diversidad de necesidades en el aula de manera integradora.
Dokumen ini menjelaskan simulasi Monte Carlo untuk memprediksi penjualan dispenser selama 20 minggu berikutnya dengan rata-rata 7,3 per minggu berdasarkan data historis 50 minggu. Simulasi dilakukan dengan membuat distribusi kemungkinan penjualan mingguan, membangun kumulatifnya, menghasilkan bilangan acak, dan menentukan penjualan setiap minggu berdasarkan bilangan acak tersebut.
The document discusses calendar standards including iCalendar (RFC2445) which defines a standard format for managing calendar events and tasks. It describes how calendaring allows users to manage their time by recording events, scheduling tasks, and organizing meetings. It also discusses different calendar formats (iCalendar and vCalendar), conversion issues between formats, and CalDAV which provides a standard protocol for accessing calendar events over HTTP.
Las fiestas pueden ser divertidas pero se recomienda moderaci¨®n con la bebida para evitar posibles problemas. Aunque las fiestas sean divertidas, es importante considerar los riesgos asociados con el consumo excesivo de alcohol y ser responsable la pr¨®xima vez.
The document discusses the importance of metadata for statistical organizations and their users. It notes that users today come from diverse backgrounds and have different needs than in the past. Effective metadata plays a key role in allowing users to browse, search, select, comprehend and compare statistical data. Metadata should be consistently structured and defined for both professionals and laypeople using clear terminology. Capturing metadata at its source and making it readily available and understandable for users in context is important. Understanding the needs of different user groups like tourists, farmers and miners can help statistical organizations better provide the necessary metadata.
Results2004 From A User Survey Of Stat Bankannegrete
Statistics Denmark conducted a user satisfaction survey of its StatBank statistical database. 1,177 users responded out of 8,610 surveyed, a 14% response rate. Most users, 80% of registered and 77% of non-registered, were satisfied with the database contents and 87% found StatBank easy to use. While users' success in finding desired data improved, some still wanted more detailed or longer-term data series. The report concluded StatBank met users' needs but could improve functionality visibility and content. An action plan was outlined to expand content, add online tutorials and improve data retrieval and presentation capabilities.
El documento describe el r¨¢pido crecimiento de las redes sociales, comunidades en l¨ªnea y colaboraci¨®n a trav¨¦s de plataformas como Facebook, Wikipedia y blogs. Tambi¨¦n describe c¨®mo empresas como IBM, Google y bancos est¨¢n adoptando estas tecnolog¨ªas para mejorar la innovaci¨®n, comunicaci¨®n y relaciones con clientes. El documento concluye se?alando que el uso de internet m¨®vil y comunidades m¨®viles continuar¨¢ creciendo r¨¢pidamente en los pr¨®ximos a?os.
Cats and dogs are common household pets. While they can both be loving companions, cats and dogs have different personalities and needs. Owners must understand these differences to properly care for their pet.
El documento discute los retos que enfrentan los dise?adores gr¨¢ficos en un mundo globalizado, donde deben competir a nivel internacional y entender las diferentes culturas y costumbres de los clientes en todo el mundo, mientras mantienen su propia identidad. Tambi¨¦n analiza c¨®mo la vida cotidiana se ha vuelto m¨¢s similar entre ciudades debido a la dependencia de la tecnolog¨ªa, y c¨®mo esto puede ayudar a los dise?adores a comunicarse mejor con las personas. Adem¨¢s, examina c¨®mo las culturas juveniles urbanas permiten a los j¨®venes constru
Catalyst 9.0 includes several new features such as multi-lingual support that allows tasks like project creation and validation to be run across multiple languages simultaneously. It introduces job files that allow multiple projects and languages to be scheduled and processed together. Productivity enhancements include new accelerators and the ability to locate segments, copy results, and perform searches. The update also provides support for additional file formats and pixel-based limits, as well as enhancements to translation memories, project statistics, .NET functionality, and a new 64-bit version.
Presentation at GDC 2009 in Cologne Germany, incorporating how Advanced TM\'s such as Catalyst are potentially far better fits for game localisation than traditional text based translation memory tools.
Cachorros mordem pessoas por diversos motivos como medo, estresse, agressividade ou para proteger seu territ¨®rio. ? importante entender os sinais de alerta do animal para evitar mordidas.
El documento discute los retos que enfrentan los dise?adores gr¨¢ficos mexicanos en la era de la globalizaci¨®n. Debido a la influencia estadounidense, muchos dise?adores tienden a imitar estilos extranjeros en lugar de preservar la identidad mexicana. Sin embargo, para competir a nivel global, los dise?adores tambi¨¦n deben adaptarse a tendencias internacionales. El autor concluye que los dise?adores deben encontrar un equilibrio, tomando lo mejor de ambos mundos pero conservando elementos distintivos de M¨¦xico.
Web 2.0 allows users to move from passive consumption of media to active participation through social media platforms that connect people and facilitate the sharing of information. It provides tools for research like wikis that allow collaborative knowledge development. Web 2.0 gives rise to new forms of collective and connective intelligence as individuals create and share information that is then combined and extended by others in the network.
La crisis econ¨®mica en Espa?a se origin¨® por la crisis financiera internacional y la burbuja inmobiliaria nacional. Sus consecuencias incluyen el hundimiento del consumo, la p¨¦rdida de empresas y empleos, y la dificultad de acceso al cr¨¦dito. A diferencia de crisis anteriores, Espa?a no puede devaluar su moneda ni estimular la econom¨ªa a trav¨¦s de pol¨ªticas monetarias debido al euro. Los expertos recomiendan medidas de gasto p¨²blico e infraestructura para estimular la econom¨ªa en lugar de pol¨ªticas monetarias
A mobile, sectional containment system providing 100% material recovery with no clean-up. Protects materials, property, and stormwater systems from damage and sedimentation.
El documento describe un modelo de escuela inclusiva que apoya la diversidad en las aulas ordinarias. Todos los estudiantes reciben apoyo de acuerdo a sus necesidades individuales a trav¨¦s de estrategias de colaboraci¨®n entre profesores. El apoyo se enfoca en facilitar el acceso a los objetivos para todos mediante la adaptaci¨®n de la metodolog¨ªa y los materiales a cada estudiante. El trabajo en equipo entre profesores de apoyo y de aula es fundamental para atender a la diversidad de necesidades en el aula de manera integradora.
Dokumen ini menjelaskan simulasi Monte Carlo untuk memprediksi penjualan dispenser selama 20 minggu berikutnya dengan rata-rata 7,3 per minggu berdasarkan data historis 50 minggu. Simulasi dilakukan dengan membuat distribusi kemungkinan penjualan mingguan, membangun kumulatifnya, menghasilkan bilangan acak, dan menentukan penjualan setiap minggu berdasarkan bilangan acak tersebut.
The document discusses calendar standards including iCalendar (RFC2445) which defines a standard format for managing calendar events and tasks. It describes how calendaring allows users to manage their time by recording events, scheduling tasks, and organizing meetings. It also discusses different calendar formats (iCalendar and vCalendar), conversion issues between formats, and CalDAV which provides a standard protocol for accessing calendar events over HTTP.
Las fiestas pueden ser divertidas pero se recomienda moderaci¨®n con la bebida para evitar posibles problemas. Aunque las fiestas sean divertidas, es importante considerar los riesgos asociados con el consumo excesivo de alcohol y ser responsable la pr¨®xima vez.
The document discusses the importance of metadata for statistical organizations and their users. It notes that users today come from diverse backgrounds and have different needs than in the past. Effective metadata plays a key role in allowing users to browse, search, select, comprehend and compare statistical data. Metadata should be consistently structured and defined for both professionals and laypeople using clear terminology. Capturing metadata at its source and making it readily available and understandable for users in context is important. Understanding the needs of different user groups like tourists, farmers and miners can help statistical organizations better provide the necessary metadata.
Results2004 From A User Survey Of Stat Bankannegrete
Statistics Denmark conducted a user satisfaction survey of its StatBank statistical database. 1,177 users responded out of 8,610 surveyed, a 14% response rate. Most users, 80% of registered and 77% of non-registered, were satisfied with the database contents and 87% found StatBank easy to use. While users' success in finding desired data improved, some still wanted more detailed or longer-term data series. The report concluded StatBank met users' needs but could improve functionality visibility and content. An action plan was outlined to expand content, add online tutorials and improve data retrieval and presentation capabilities.
El documento describe el r¨¢pido crecimiento de las redes sociales, comunidades en l¨ªnea y colaboraci¨®n a trav¨¦s de plataformas como Facebook, Wikipedia y blogs. Tambi¨¦n describe c¨®mo empresas como IBM, Google y bancos est¨¢n adoptando estas tecnolog¨ªas para mejorar la innovaci¨®n, comunicaci¨®n y relaciones con clientes. El documento concluye se?alando que el uso de internet m¨®vil y comunidades m¨®viles continuar¨¢ creciendo r¨¢pidamente en los pr¨®ximos a?os.
Cats and dogs are common household pets. While they can both be loving companions, cats and dogs have different personalities and needs. Owners must understand these differences to properly care for their pet.
El documento discute los retos que enfrentan los dise?adores gr¨¢ficos en un mundo globalizado, donde deben competir a nivel internacional y entender las diferentes culturas y costumbres de los clientes en todo el mundo, mientras mantienen su propia identidad. Tambi¨¦n analiza c¨®mo la vida cotidiana se ha vuelto m¨¢s similar entre ciudades debido a la dependencia de la tecnolog¨ªa, y c¨®mo esto puede ayudar a los dise?adores a comunicarse mejor con las personas. Adem¨¢s, examina c¨®mo las culturas juveniles urbanas permiten a los j¨®venes constru
Catalyst 9.0 includes several new features such as multi-lingual support that allows tasks like project creation and validation to be run across multiple languages simultaneously. It introduces job files that allow multiple projects and languages to be scheduled and processed together. Productivity enhancements include new accelerators and the ability to locate segments, copy results, and perform searches. The update also provides support for additional file formats and pixel-based limits, as well as enhancements to translation memories, project statistics, .NET functionality, and a new 64-bit version.
Presentation at GDC 2009 in Cologne Germany, incorporating how Advanced TM\'s such as Catalyst are potentially far better fits for game localisation than traditional text based translation memory tools.
Catalyst 8.0 includes several new features to improve translation productivity and quality including an enhanced translator toolbar, thumbnail navigation, improved support for parsing WPF and XML files, live validation checks, inconsistency tests, and an expanded event API. The translator toolbar provides easier access to terminology, machine translation suggestions, and tags. Thumbnail navigation allows visually navigating project elements. Enhancements to ezParse enable parsing of WPF files, conditional and multi-lingual XML, and handling of keywords at the sub-segment level. New quality assurance features perform validation tests during translation and check for inconsistent translations. The event API provides more customization options.
This document outlines a 10 point plan to maximize efficiency in game localization. The plan includes centralizing translation assets, using an advanced translation memory solution, providing flexibility for internal localizers, maximizing automation, validating translations, providing a common platform for external vendors, pushing quality back to vendors, ensuring maximum reporting, and achieving visual localization. Visual localization can lead to higher quality translations, faster turnaround times, and lower overall localization costs by preventing bugs and linguistic issues.
The document introduces Alchemy Language Exchange, a translation asset repository that allows users to maximize reuse and develop centralized control of translation assets. It connects stakeholders through a web services architecture, allowing real-time collaboration and sharing of translation memories. This centralized approach aims to deliver higher speed, lower costs, and better quality translation services by facilitating easy discovery and reuse of translation assets.
The document introduces Alchemy Language Exchange, a translation asset repository that allows users to maximize reuse and develop centralized control of translation assets. It connects stakeholders through a web services architecture, allowing real-time collaboration and sharing of translation memories. This centralized approach aims to deliver speed, cost savings through improved translation reuse, and higher quality translation services.
The document introduces Alchemy Software Development's new product, Alchemy PUBLISHER 2.0, an advanced translation memory tool for documentation. It can handle content-rich formats like Adobe Framemaker and design-rich formats like InDesign. The summary highlights that Alchemy PUBLISHER 2.0 doubles the savings of traditional translation memory tools by reusing previous translations and layout information. It also allows translators to focus on precision and quality in a visual environment rather than worrying about code or tags.
The document discusses two methods for automating the localization process in Catalyst Total Visual Localization - ezScript which allows command line scripting and a COM API that allows extensions. It provides examples of how each method can be used to standardize localization workflows, integrate with build systems, and extend Catalyst's feature set such as developing custom editors. Automating Catalyst can increase efficiency by removing manual errors and freeing engineers from repetitive tasks.
1. Alchemy Language Exchange?
The worlds first Translation Asset Repository
Presenter : Shamus Dermody
Maximise re-use and
develop centralised control
of your Translation Assets
4. Our Solution Portfolio
Alchemy CATALYST 7.0
Visual TM Solution for Web, help and UI
Market Leader, over 20,0000 licenses
Alchemy Language Exchange 2.0
Enterprise TM Solution
Launched Sept 2007
Alchemy Publisher 2.0
Advanced TM for Documentation
Content Rich formats (Frame, MS Word etc.)
Design rich formats(InDesign, QuarkXPress)
To be launched Q2 2008
5. Creating Global Content ¨C Unified Approach
UI(User Interface) UA(User Assistance)
Visual Localization Solution
Advanced TM for Documentation
Help & Docs
6. Introducing Alchemy Language Exchange?
Web Services architecture
Secure internet based
Work online/offline with your
Language Exchange server
Share TMs realtime
Instantly re-use translations
Synchronise translations
Publish translations
Discover inconsistencies
Manage Team Quality
Web Services
7. Alchemy Language Exchange?
Translation Asset
Standards based digital
archive for depositing and
providing access to
translation assets
Enterprise Level deployment
MS SQL/Oracle backend
SOA Design
Service-oriented Architecture
Maximise discovery and re-
Web Services
SDK available immediately
Services available
8. Alchemy Language Exchange?
Security Services
Software Development Kit
WEB Services Enabled
Alchemy Language Exchange?
Relational Database
Discovery & Publishing Services
Connect, Communicate, Collaborate?
WEB Services
Application Services
9. What does it look like?
Language Exchange
Status of TMs
14. Alchemy Language Exchange? Summary
High Performanc TM Server platform
Connect, Communicate, Collaborate?
Maximises Translation re-use
Web services makes translation available
anywhere, anytime, anyplatform
Speed: Improved business agility
Cost: Effective reuse of translation
Quality: Higher quality translation services
15. Benefits
Speed: Improved business agility
Centralizing and sharing linguistic assets makes it
easy to find and leverage reusable translation assets
and services to quickly adapt localization activity to
changing requirements.
Cost: Effective reuse of translation
The success of a cost effective, localization process is
directly dependent on the reuse of translation assets
and services
Centralizing your linguistic assets provides a powerful
means to ensure translation assets and services are
consistently available and easily discovered
Quality: Higher quality translation services
A localization operation cannot be successful without
consistently high quality and relevant translation
Centralizing linguistic assets provides the structure
and control necessary for enforcing access, re-use
and corporate level language consistency
16. Industry Dilemma
Twenty years of TM usage
Gigantic collection of translated TMs
Terminology & Glossary translations
Used by 80,000+ professional
TM promised were fair and
Leave the repetitive work to the
Translator to focus on quality and
precision of translations
17. Industry Dilemma
Initial TM¡¯s designed for
single translator
Desktop bound
Single file processing
Translator always in ¡®control¡¯
Current model for the
Vast distribution of different sets of
TM¡¯s & Glossaries
Paradigm Shift in industry
Valuable to centralise and
¡®internalise¡¯ all TM¡¯s
Focus on creating more value out
of linguistic resources
18. Industry Dilemma
Initial TM¡¯s designed for
single translator
Desktop bound
Single file processing
Translator always in ¡®control¡¯
Current model for the
Vast distribution of different sets of
TM¡¯s & Glossaries
Paradigm Shift in industry
Valuable to centralise and
¡®internalise¡¯ all TM¡¯s
Focus on creating more value out
of linguistic resources
Can we tame it?